I hope you are enjoying the warmth and sunshine! Procter Farm sure is! This week we welcomed 50 broiler chicks and 10 market hogs to the farm! Cucumber, squash, and tomato plants are growing tall in high tunnel and we just completed our 2nd CSA week. Catch up...
Our youngest campers love to go fishing, explore the farm, and create in the Arts Center. This camp is an ideal introduction to sleep-away camp! The Christian formation program engages these camper’s natural sense of wonder, imagination and play. Welcoming...
Procter Work Weekend June 1-3, 2018 Arrive for dinner and/or fellowship on Friday evening. Work on a variety of projects most of the day Saturday. We will stop around 4 p.m. and weather permitting, the pool will be open until dinner. Saturday evening will include...
Beloved by many, Procter’s weekend Family Camps offer space to relax, enjoy the pool and lake, create art, laugh, sing and worship! Don’t let the name “Family” camp deter you registering, these sessions are intergenerational and everyone is welcome: single folks,...
New this year! Leaders-in-Training is a ten-day experience in team building, skill development, leadership and community. LIT campers will be a cabin together with their own chaplain, go through an edited version of our Camp Staff Training program, and have...
Community supported agriculture (or in short, CSA) shares are a weekly subscription program for vegetables. More broadly, CSA is a way for consumers and farmers to join together in support of local agriculture. Members purchase a share of the harvest in advance of the...
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