(740) 206-2036 info@proctercenter.org
Hi, Andrea here, your friendly Camp Director! Welcome to our first blog post.
I know for me, during the dreary grey days of Ohio winter it may seem like warm Procter afternoons are far off, but at camp Alex and I are hiring summer staff, developing our camp theme, and brainstorming T shirt designs.  Camp 2019 is less than 3 months away (wow)!
Lets take a look back at last year at camp…We started three new programs in 2018: Leaders-in-Training, Camp RISE grief camp, and a session for all ages (3-9th grade plus LITs). Check out photos from this session here. These were vibrant, super fun weeks of camp, that received great feedback from parents, staff and campers. Check out our social media channels for photos from 2018 (#proctersummercamp)
For Youth Camps this summer we will offer a week of Senior High, and two sessions for campers entering 3-9th grades. By consolidating sessions these camps will give parents an option for siblings to attend together, and multiple date options (as opposed to one grade level week).
Campers will be split up into age appropriate cabins and activities. We’ll likely have multiple chaplains, so formation will be age specific. Last summer older campers especially enjoyed having their own campout and night at camp (there might have been an epic spontaneous camp songs greatest hits singa-a-long for the older campers) while younger cabins went for a campout in the woods . Since there will be fewer overall weeks of Youth Camp we encourage families to register as soon as possible. (Get that Early Bird Discount locked in before April 15!)
The Procter community loves Family Camp! Family Camp is the name for our intergenerational programs, but there is a space for everyone at Family Camp: traditional nuclear families, grandparents and grandchildren, godchildren, cousins and nieces and nephews, friend groups, couples, single folks and chosen family. Come join the community!
In 2019 we will offer four Family Camps. The Family Camp 1 is 3 days/2 nights, a bit cheaper, and runs Friday-Sunday. This will be the third year we offer Family Camp 2: Sagrada Familia, a bilingual Spanish/English camp. We partner with the Diocese of Southern Ohio Latino Ministry Commission for this session. Sagrada Familia grew from 12 campers in 2017 to over 60 in 2018. Its a beautiful weekend of intergenerational fun and cross cultural relationship building. If this sounds of interest to your family we encourage you to register! Check out photos from last year here.  Family Camp 3 and 4 are both 4 days/3 night programs that include some weekdays.
As always, our programs will welcome campers from all backgrounds to enter into a faithful community of unconditional love, support and FUN! The full summer schedule is listed below, and you can view or download a PDF of our camp flier here. Campership, financial aid for camp, is available for all sessions.
I love this community and can’t wait to see you and your children at camp this summer! As always, email me anytime with questions or concerns: afoote@proctercenter.org
Peace and camp love,
Director of Camp and Youth Ministry

Procter Summer Camp 2019

Camp Open House (invite your friends, and please publicize at your parish!)
May 4
June 3-12
June 7-9
*After completing orientation, LITs may be invited to volunteer at Youth Camp 1 or 2
Family Camp 1
June 14-16
June 17-22
June 24-29
July 5-7
Family Camp 3
July 11-14
Camp RISE Grief Camp
July 15-20
July 22-27
Family Camp 4
July 31-August 4

Register for Camp!